Welcome to our website! Expectant mother, curious father or trying for a baby... we hope to guide you through the last stage of pregnancy - parturition or more commonly known as childbirth. Labour and birth is the culmination of pregnancy, but only the beginning of parenting!

Child birth can be divided into phases, the latent phase, phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3. This site aims to guide you through these stages and provide you will all the information that you will need.

Many woman are not aware of their options when it comes to child birth. In our preperation section we look at the options and choices that are available to you, you might be surprised!

Through our site you will learn how to tell if it is the real thing, what you can expect, how to time your contractions and much more!expectant mother thinking about childbirth

Each woman will have a different labour and but many parts remain the same. We will talk you through the stages of labour, what each one involves, the parameters, and some average events of that stage. Remember though, however, very few women will have a text book pregnancy, there will be variation but being prepared is key!

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Aquarobics 'eases birth pain'

16/12/2008 05:49
“Doing aqua-aerobics during pregnancy can ease the pain of childbirth,” reports the Daily Mail today. The newspaper bases its claims on a Brazilian study of pregnant women who did water aerobics three times a week. read more at: https://www.nhs.uk/news/2008/11November/Pages/Aquarobicpregnancy.aspx

Natural childbirth movement 'denies women choice'

16/12/2008 05:48
Those who want Caesareans or pain relief are being discouraged from asking for them, say campaigners. Read more at: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-wellbeing/health-news/natural-childbirth-movement-denies-women-choice-1031227.html

One in six mothers remembers the pain of labour five years later as being worse

16/12/2008 05:44
One in six mothers remembers the pain of labour five years later as being worse than it was, according to researchers. Read more at: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/3699357/One-in-six-mothers-remembers-the-pain-of-labour-five-years-later-as-being-worse.html
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